Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Catching Up"

So here we are, a few years after my last blog was arbitrarily deleted. A lot has changed. I quit smoking (finally!), had another kid, and even started college. I've also become a bit more set in my ways, especially this past year. I've woken up politically. I've written off people and met brand new ones. I've also picked up reading, even though I have a lot of trouble with it (due to my head injuries, I literally can't focus on written words).

I tried working out at a local gym, but due to my other injuries and other assorted sissyness I quit. Oh well.

The purpose for this blog is to basically continue reaching out from my bunker. For too long now I've sheltered myself in my house and in my mind. I recently joined up with a D&D group at my college; guys I don't even know or I just got to know have welcomed me into the fold.

Another purpose for this blog is to rate and review video games, a severe passion of mine. I've been playing video games since I was 6 years old. Video games were always there for me growing up, through thick and thin. They play an even more intrical part of my life now as I cannot work anymore, I have all the time in the world!

Lastly, this blog will be used as a means to vent about all of the crap that has been locked away in the storage of my mind about my experiences in Iraq. Things that I've not wanted to share for years could very well end up here, and I think I'm ok with that. I will also welcome any and all questions about this subject in particular, and will answer them in complete the best of my memory anyway.


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